Welcome to Karen's Directory Printer!


This Power Tool can print the names of every file in a folder or drive. It can also print a file or sub-folder's size, date of creation, date of last modification, date of last access, attributes (read-only, system, hidden, compressed, etc.) and more!


Additional options allow the information to be saved to a disk file instead of printed. Once stored on disk, the folder and file information can be e-mailed, imported into a spreadsheet or other program, or saved for future analysis and comparison.


Several issues of Karen's Power Tools newsletter discuss the Directory Printer program. Links to those back issues can be found on Karen's Directory Printer's home page


You can also get your own free subscription to the newsletter by visiting her subscription web page..


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Karen's Directory Printer, and all associated documentation, are

Copyright ⌐ 1997-2007 Karen Kenworthy, All Rights Reserved.


"Karen's Directory Printer" and "Karen's Power Tools" are trademarks of Karen Kenworthy.